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Monday, August 31, 2009

Denggi or H1N1???

Denggi or H1N1??

Dewasa ini, semakin ramai penduduk yang menghidap selesema A ataupun dipanggil dengan nama strain virus tersebut, H1N1. Namun, di Kediaman Siswa Jaya ini, lain pula yang terjadi. It's H1N1 yet, but it's dengue...

it's me who got it!! Dunno why, but i had a pain-strickening week coz of the incident. No appetite, no energy, even my tongue taste bitter after all of the meal. Ya, it's just a fever, but i've lost about 7kg as the aftermath of the "disease". But it's not too obvious as mine is not so thin too see it.

that's all!!

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