It's been a long time since the last post i've submitted, but now I just didn't hv mood to compose some writing, so i'll just say some briefing and let the pictures decide...
Well, I just want to say that they were my best friend, but hindrances that I'd been encounter since transferring to Kuantan for my secondary schooling made these "old buddy" become estranged to me (at least, some of them I didn't know 'bout them!). Well, should I add captions to these pictures so that u guyz can understand better.

Muhammad Hanis Samaruddin (I don't know who he is, just my friend's friend, maybe u can call 2nd degree friend?), Yunie (UPM Serdang, Civil Engineering), Myra Moe'hamad (UiTM Shah Alam, Computer Science)

She likes to pose, and of course likes something kind of America's Nxxt Top Model...

Two Couple? Well I guss they maybe meant 4 each other

Nurdhiya Aizat (UiTM Lendu, Mass Comm), Amirul NAdzri (UiTM K. Pilah, Industrial Physics), & Hanis eating "Mee Sup" that Aizat hv prepared

Norhidayah Azhar (UiTM Jengka, Civil Engineering Diploma), Myra & Yunie excited in eating "ramen"??
They still my friends, despite their characteristics and generosity, but I guess they're a very nice, graceful friends I've ever met...
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